​Marine Invertebrate Physiology & Immunology

​​Chris Hauton​, FRSB FMBA

​​​​Ph.D. University of Southampton, U.K. (1995)
B.Sc. University of Southampton, U.K. (1992)
: 0000-0002-2313-4226​​​​
Email: ch10@soton.ac.uk
Room: 566/16
Contact Number: +44 (0) 023 8059 5784
Interests: Chris' research interests include all aspects of marine invertebrate ecophysiology and immunology, essentially how natural and anthropogenic environmental drivers impact organism biology and host pathogen interactions. His research encompasses all levels of biological organization from molecular studies of gene expression to assays of whole organism physiology. Whilst most work is conducted as controlled laboratory experiments, he has also worked on shellfish farms through Asia, in situ in shallow waters using scuba and with the NERC ROV Isis in the bathyal and abyssal North Atlantic (RRS James Cook cruise JC036) and Antarctic (RRS James Clark Ross cruise JCR166).
​Collaborations: Chris has worked at the Universities of Southampton, London (University Marine Biological Station Millport) and St Andrews as well as with the NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit and with environmental consultancies. ​Current collaborators include researchers in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Ghana, Benin and Togo, as well at the University of Stirling and the Royal Veterinary College London. He has previously also collaborated with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the University of Bangor, CEFAS Fish Disease Laboratory Weymouth, UK BBSRC Pirbright Institute, University of Malaya, the C. Abdul Hakeem College, Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, and the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources – India, and Bangladesh Agricultural University.
​​Chris’ research and collaborations have been funded through diverse UK sources, including the NERC and BBSRC, British Ecological Society, Royal Society, Natural History Museum and DEFRA as well as the EC Framework Programme, the Office of Economic and Cultural Development, the Malaysian AgroBiotechnology Institute (ABI) and the Newton Fund.
Chris also serves as Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK (Cambridge University Press)
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Cambridge Core

Fiona Woods
My Ph.D. project will quantify the benefits, including ecosystem services, provided by relaid oysters in Langstone Harbour, the River Hamble and Newtown Harbour on the Isle of Wight, and will then quantify the impact of that strategy through monitoring. The project in the Solent is one of the largest in Europe.
Globally, the restoration of ostreid bivalves is gaining momentum. In European waters the native oyster Ostrea edulis is the focus of extensive restoration efforts and in the Solent, Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) have been leading the restoration of native oysters since 2015. The Solent historically represented the UK’s largest oyster fishery, but has been in decline since the 1970s and generally closed to fishing since 2013. The Solent represents a good model to understand how to restore an extinct habitat; insights that can be scaled to the wider Europe and beyond.
Md. Mahmudul Hasan
Md. Mahmudul Hasan is a Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer in the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Bangladesh. He has joined the group to explore issues of management and access to common pool fisheries in beels and wetlands of northern Bangladesh. He is using a mixture of Particpatory Action Research and SocioEcological Modelling to develop models of fishery management and practice in Bangladesh and to forecast plausible futures for the fishers facing challenges to access, land use and land ownership and climate change.

​Nicola Pratt
Senior Marine Biology Technician
B.Sc. Cardiff University, U.K. (2008)
Email: n.pratt@noc.soton.ac.uk
Room: 456/16 National Oceanography Centre
Contact Number: +44 (0) 23 8059 6447
Interests: My research focuses on studying the molecular response of marine invertebrates to accidental carbon dioxide release from sub-seabed carbon capture and storage (CSS) systems. Using quantitative PCR, we aim to compare the expression of important metabolic genes in Mytilus edulis, Pecten maximus and Echinocardium cordatum, between control and release sites. Our findings will shed light on the potential risks associated with this method of carbon dioxide emission control.
Previous Group Members
Postdocs, and next destinations...
Luca Peruzza: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Padova
Alastair Brown: Teaching Secondary Mathematics and Science , Midhurst Rother College, West Sussex
Ben Ciotti: Lecturer in Marine Biology, Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre, Plymouth University, UK
Chrysoula Gubili: Fisheries Research Institute in Nea Peramos, Kavala, Greece
Elizabeth Morgan: Experimental Officer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Sam Rastrick: Researcher, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Ph.D. Students, and next destinations...
Amy Lovegrove 2024 - Cefas Lowestoft
Amy Campbell 2024 - PDRA School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Zoë Holbrook 2021 - in the USA
Maria Loreto Mardones 2020 - PDRA, University of Southampton
Lina Zapata Restrepo 2020 - PDRA ,University of Southampton
Luke Helmer 2020 - Project Scientist, Blue Marine Foundation
Sarah (Liz) Talbot 2019 -
Luca Peruzza 2018 - Researcher, University of Padova, Italy
Holger Anlauf 2016 - Researcher, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Amonsak Sawusdee 2015 - Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Resources Management, Walailak University, Thailand
James Morris 2015 - Experienced Researcher Fellow at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Bruxelles Belgium
Kelly Bateman 2014 - Coordinator, European Union Reference Laboratory for Crustacean Diseases, Cefas Weymouth, UK
Lauren Hall 2014 – Intensive Care Nursing
Frauke Bagusche 2013
Andrew Oliphant 2013 – Research Fellow, University of Aberystwyth, UK
Kathryn Smith 2013 – Marie Curie Fellow, University of Exeter, UK
Hanna Schuster 2013 - Researcher, Cambridge Environmental Assessments, UK
Jo Hoppes 2011 - Research Fellow, University of Bangor, UK
Chris Allen 2010 – Researcher, Seastar Survey Ltd, UK
Sarah Murty-Hughes 2010
M.Res / M.Sc / M.Sci. Students
Nathan Hicks 2024 Effects of rhizocephalan parasite infection in the shore crab Carcinus maenas.
Charlene DeSouza (2023) Biopolymer particles affect the physiological responses and health of the Pacific Oyster (Magallana gigas) when exposed to increasing water temperature
Jasmine Turnell (2023) The sea pen Virgularia mirabilis in Portland Harbour, U.K., 4 and the impact of dredging and disposal.” 5
Lucy Loud (2022) Gene Expression of Splice Variants Isolated from the Ig7 Domain of the Hypervariable Down-Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (Hv-Dscam) in Carcinus maenas infected with a Gram-positive bacteria (Planococcus citreus) or Gram-negative
bacteria (Listonella anguillarum)
Anabel Dyson (2022) The Effects of Tributyltin on the Health, Physiology, and Antioxidant Pathway of the Pacific Oyster (Magallana gigas)
Joshua Smith (2022) Investigating the impact of exposure to low salinity on the metabolic rates of red and green Carcinus maenas.
Willliam Greenhalgh (2021) Investigating the evolution of immune effector molecules, particularly prophenoloxidase, with respect to the refractive ability of decapod crustaceans to WSSV
Isabel Fraser (2021) - Effects of seasonal variation in environmental temperature on the expression of immune related genes in the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Lorna Morris (2021) - Are There Any Reservoir Hosts For Parasitic Infection By Bonamia ostreae In Ostrea edulis?
Zodia Johnson (2021) - Testing for the presence of anthropogenic N pollution within Zostera marina and Zostera noltii at Calshot, Southampton (UK) using isotopic and elemental leaf tissue analysis
Asia Holie (2020) - Evolution of Immune Effector Molecules in the Decapod Crustacean Suborders Pleocyemata and Dendrobranchiata
Helena Sherman (2020) - Ranking the toxicity and relative risk of heavy metals in ferromanganese crusts and nodules using existing ecotoxicity and resource composition data
Katherine Barnard (2020) - Environmental limits to deep-sea invasion by shallow water fauna in 2020 and 2100; the potential effects of temperature and carbon flux limiting down-slope migration
Gareth Jones (2020) - Quantifying Toxic Risks of Manganese For Classified Polymetallic Nodules Using Shallow-Water Proxy Palaemon varians
Rhianna Wheatley (2020) - Predicting range shifts of some marine molluscs as a result of temperature increase and changes in marine heatwaves by 2100.
Simon Thomas (2019) Quantifying the status and restoration potential of coastal habitats as nutrient regulators
Harry Kelman (2019) The Characterisation of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Genes Involved in the Physiology of High-Pressure Exposure
Barney Gooch (2019) - Expression Analysis of Splice Variants Isolated from the Ig7 Domain of Hypervariable Down-Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (hv-Dscam) of Carcinus maenas, infected with Listonella anguillarum.
Sean Kirwan (2019) - Respiratory response of the shallow-water spider crab Macropodia rostrata to hydrostatic temperature and pressure
Jack Boister (2018) - The expression of two splice variants from the Ig7 region of Dscam in response to Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial infections.
Larissa Lewis (2018) - Mann’s constant and reproduction in oysters
Freya Mitchell (2018) - Assessment of Microplastic Concentration in Humboldt Bay, California and the Impact on Uptake by Mytilus edulis
Ben Goymer (2018) - The effect of two species of algae on the nutrient cycling abilities of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis
Catherine Whitby (2018) - Molecular response of the European oyster, Ostrea edulis, to TBT exposure and recovery
Joshua Modern (2018) - Gametogensis in different oyster populations from around the UK
Hannah Brittain (2018) - Optimising a method to quantify MPs in inter-tidal sediments around Jersey, Channel Islands
Annabel Macklin (2017) Expression of splice variants from the IG7 domain of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule in response to infection in the shore crab Carcinus maenas.
Harry Cooper (2017) Morphological and molecular investigation of the Genus Eurythenes from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain
Tim Weise (2016) - An investigation on the toxicology of micro plastics in the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis)
Jen Brand (2016) - Temnocephalids in the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus
Marc Morris (2016) -Characterisation of the diet and gut microbiota of juvenile European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, Linnaeus) from two nursery beaches in West Scotland
Maisy Fuller (2015) - Electrophysiological evidence for the contrast sensitivity of Uca dampieri to polarized light
Roseanna Wright (2015) - Avoidance response in shallow (Holothuria forskali) and abyssal (Peniagone sp.) holothurians mitigates toxicity of copper contaminated sediments: Implications for monitoring ecological impact of deep-sea mineral mining
Rowan Poulter (2015) - Infestation of shore crab gills by a free-living mussel species
Tom Jefferson (2015) - Transcriptional response of the edible crab Cancer pagurus to long-term exposures of high pCO2 and low salinity
Zoë Holbrook (2015) - Decreasing salinity in the Skagerrak due to climate change will influence fertilisation success, but not restrict recruitment of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas.
Hazel Christie (2014)
Navena Almeida (2014)
Xie XIjia (2014)
Yiota Lazarou (2014)
Hannah Gilchrist (2013)
Maha Joana Olschowsky (2013)
Sam Gill (2013)
Shengqian Chen (2012)
Bryony Meakins (2011)
Danae Bello Calahorro (2011)
Katherine Palmer (2011)
Laetitia Gunton(2011)
Rebecca Summerfield (2011)
Alex Lawlor (2010)
Meggie Hudspith (2010)
Daniel Fernando (2009)
Stephanie Deane (2009)
Lauren Hall (2007)
Nikki Parker (2007)
Malgorzata Strycharczuk (2006)