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Published manuscripts:

Williams, T. J., Reed, A. J., Godbold, J. A., Hauton, C. & Solan, M. (in review) Intra-specific variability in physiological responses to changing conditions moderate the acclimation capacity of high-latitude benthic invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology


Hauton C. (2024) Perspectives on deploying gene editing techniques to protect farmed invertebrates from pathogenic infection. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists.


Campbell, A.M. Gavilan, R.G., Hauton, C., van Aerle, R., Martinez-Urtaza, J. (2024) Identifying gene-level mechanisms of successful dispersal of Vibrio parahaemolyticus during El Niño events. Microbial Genomics. s 2024;10:001317. DOI 10.1099/mgen.0.001317


Campbell A.M., Hauton C., van Aerle R., Martinez-Urtaza J. (2024). Eco-Evolutionary Drivers of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Sequence Type 3 Expansion: Retrospective Machine Learning Approach JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology 5:e62747.  doi: 10.2196/62747


Campbell, A.M.., Hauton, C., van Aerle, R., Martinez-Urtaza, J. (2024) Evolutionary dynamics of the successful expansion of pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus ST3 in Latin America. Nature Communications (2024) 15:7828.

Liu, Y., Lu, X., Hauton, C., Yang, G.-J., Chen, J. (2023) Emerging Talents in Comparative Immunology: 2022. Frontiers in Immunology 14. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1318852


Peruzza, L., Tucci, C., Frizzo, R., Riello, T., Quagliariello, A., Martino, M.E., Manuzzi, A., Dalla Rovere, G., Bonsembiante, F., Elena Gelain, M.,  Smits, M., Borgheresi, O., Camerani, F., Panin, M., Venier, P., Mammi, S.,  Hauton, S., Patarnello, T., Milan, M., Bargelloni, L. (2023) Impaired reproduction, energy reserves and dysbiosis: the overlooked consequences of heatwaves in a bivalve mollusc. Marine Pollution Bulletin 193 (2023) 115192


Kaikkolante, N., Kumar Jangam A., Kumar Katneni, U., Hauton, C., Peruzza, L., Shekhar Mudagandur S., Koyadan, V.K., Karingalakkandy Poochirian J., Jena, J. (2023) MRF: a tool to overcome the barrier of inconsistent genome annotations and perform comparative genomics studies for the largest animal DNA virus. Virology Journal 20, 72 (2023).


Zapata-Restrepo, L.M., Hauton, C., Hudson, M.D., Williams, I.D., Hauton, D. (2023) Toxicity of tributyltin to the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis: Metabolomic responses indicate impacts to energy metabolism, biochemical composition and reproductive maturation. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0280777. pone.028077


Campbell, A.M., Hauton, C., Baker-Austin, C., van Aerle, R., Martinez-Urtaza, J. (2023) An integrated eco-evolutionary framework to predict population-level responses of climate-sensitive pathogens. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 80:102898.


Weaver, P.P.E., Jaguzzi, J., Boschen-Rose, R.E.,  Colaço, A., de Stigter H., Gollner S., Haeckel M., Hauton C., Helmons R., Jones D.O.B., Lily H., Mestre N.C., Mohn C., Thomsen L. (2022) Assessing plume impacts caused by polymetallic nodule mining vehicles. Marine Policy. 139: 105011.


Mardones, M.L., Thatje, S., Fenberg, P., Hauton, C.  (2022) The short and long-term implications of warming and increased sea water pCO2 on the physiological response of a temperate neogastropod species. Marine Biology 169, 3 (2022)


Morris, M.T., Hauton, C., Baylay, A.J., Peruzza, L., Targett, T.E., Ciotti, B.J. (2021) Spatial variation in the gastrointestinal microbiome, diet, and nutritional condition of a juvenile flatfish among coastal habitats, Marine Environmental Research,


Peruzza, L., Thatje, S., Hauton, C. (2021) Acclimation to cyclic hypoxia improves thermal tolerance and copper survival in the caridean shrimp Palaemon varians. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A. 259: 111010


Mardones, M.L., Fenberg, P.B., Thatje, S., Hauton, C. (2021) Variation in thermal tolerance response associated with geographic location during early development of the neogastropod Ocenebra erinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 542-543: 151590


Swathi, A., Shekhar, M.S., Karthic, K., Vinaya Kumar, K., Muralidhar, M., Hauton, C., Vijayan, K.K. (2021) Variation in biotic and abiotic factors associated with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) outbreak in shrimp culture ponds. Indian Journal of Fisheries. 68: 127-136.


Holbrook, Z., Bean, T.P., Lynch, S.A., Hauton C. (2021) What do the terms resistance, tolerance, and resilience mean in the case of Ostrea edulis infected by the haplosporidian parasite Bonamia ostreae? Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 182: 107579.


Kumar Verma, D., Peruzza L., Trusch, F., Kumar Yadav, M., Chhimwal R., Shubin S., Morgan, K.L., Mohindra,V., Hauton, C.,  van West, P., Pradhan, P.K., Sood, N.  (2020) Transcriptome analysis reveals immune pathways underlying resistance in the common carp Cyprinus carpio against the oomycete Aphanomyces invadans. Genomics.


Thamizhvanan, S., Nafeez Ahmed, A, Vinoth Kumar, D., Vima, S., Abdul Majeed, S., Taju, G., Hauton, C., Sahul Hameed, A.S. (2020) Silencing of prophenoloxidase (proPO) gene in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii makes susceptible to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Journal of Fish Diseases


Pradhan, P.K., Kumar Verma, D., Peruzza, L., Gupta, S., Assim Haq, A., Shubin, S.V., Morgan, K.L., Trusch, F., Mohindra, V., Hauton, C., van West, P., Sood, N. (2020) RNA-Seq analysis of immune responsive genes in head kidney of Indian major carp, rohu Labeo rohita Hamilton 1822 challenged with Aphanomyces invadans. Scientific Reports 10: 19531


Mardones, M.L., Fenberg, P.F., Thatje, S., Hauton, C. (2020) Intraspecific plasticity and trans-generational adaptation of reproductive traits and early development in a temperate marine neogastropod. Marine Environmental Research 161 (2020) 105123


Drazen, J.C., Smith, C.R., Gjerde, K.M., Haddock, S.H.D., Carter, G.S., Choy, A., Clark, M.R., Dutrieus, P., Goetze, E., Hauton, C., Hatta, M., Koslow, J.A., Leitner, A.B., Pacini A.B., Perelman, J.N., Peacock, T., Sutton, T.M., Watling, L., Yamamato, H. (2020) Midwater ecosystems must be considered when evaluating environmental risks of deep-sea mining.  Proceedings National Academy of Science USA July 28, 2020 117 (30) 17455-17460


Helmer L., Hauton C., Bean T., Bass D., Hendy I., Harris-Scott E., Preston J (2020). Ephemeral detection of Bonamia exitiosa (Haplosporida) in adult and larval European flat oysters Ostrea edulis in the Solent (UK). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 174: 107421


Horton T., Cooper H., Vlierboom R., Thurston M., Hauton C., Young C.R. (2020). Molecular phylogenetics of deep-sea amphipods (Eurythenes) reveal a new undescribed species at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, North East Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 183: 102292.


Peruzza L., Thamizhvanan S., Sugumar V., Kumar K.V., Shekhar M.S., Smith V.J., Hauton C., Vijayan K.K., Sahul Hameed A.S. (2020). A comparative synthesis of transcriptomic analyses reveals major differences between WSSV-susceptible Litopenaeus vannamei and WSSV-refractory Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 104: 103564.


Mardones M.L., Fenberg P.F., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2020) The role of temperature on the aerobic response of encapsulated embryos of Ocenebra erinaceus (Neogastropoda, Muricidae): A comparative study between two populations. Marine Environmental Research 153: 104815 (


Peruzza L., Shekhar M.S., Vinaya Kumar, K., Swathi A., Karthic K., Hauton C., Vijayan K.K. (2019) Temporal changes in transcriptome profile provide insights of White Spot Syndrome Virus infection in Litopenaeus vannamei. Scientific Reports. 9:13509


Mestre N.C., Auguste M., de Sá L.C., Fonseca T.G., Cardoso C., Brown A., Barthelemy D., Charlemagne N., Hauton C., Machon J.,

Ravaux J., Shillito B., Thatje S., Bebianno M.J. (2019) Are shallow-water shrimps proxies for hydrothermal-vent shrimps to assess the impact of deep-sea mining? Marine Environmental Research. 151: 104771.


Talbot S.E., Bruggeman J., Hauton C., Widdicombe S. (2019) Uncovering the environmental drivers of short-term temporal dynamics in an epibenthic community from the Western English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 99: 1467-1479.


Shekhar M.S., Karthic K., Vinaya Kumar K., Ashok Kumar J., Swathi A., Hauton C., Peruzza L., Vijayan K.K. (2019) Comparative analysis of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) miRNAs expression profiles during WSSV infection under experimental conditions and in pond culture. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93: 288-295.


Zapata-Restrepo L.M., Hudson M., Williams I.D., Hauton C., Jensen A. (2019) Effects of the interaction between temperature and steroid hormones on gametogenesis and sex ratio in the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 236: 110523


Drazen J.C., Smith C.R., Gjerde K., Au W., Black B., Carter G., Clark M., Durden J.M., Dutrieux P., Goetze E., Haddock S., Hatta M., Hauton C., Hill P., Koslow J., Leitner A.B., Measures C., Pacini A., Parrish F., Peacock T., Perelman J., Sutton T., Taymans C., Tunnicliffe V., Watling L., Yamamoto H., Young E., Ziegler A.F. (2019) Report of the workshop Evaluating the nature of midwater mining plumes and their  potential effects on midwater ecosystems. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5: e33527. doi: 10.3897/rio.5.e33527


Talbot S.E., Bruggeman J., Hauton C., Widdicombe S. (2018) Adapting the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) approach to include non-continuous growth (moulting) and provide better predictions of biological performance in crustaceans. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 192–205. .


Whiteley N.M., Suckling C.C., Ciotti B.J., Brown J., McCarthy I.D., Gimenez L., Hauton C. (2018) Sensitivity to near-future CO2 conditions in marine crabs depends on their compensatory capacities for salinity change. Scientific Reports 8: 15639. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34089-0


Peruzza L., Gerdol M., Oliphant A., Wilcockson D., Pallavicini A., Hawkins L., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2018) Cyclic hypoxia accelerates the moult cycle in the Atlantic ditch shrimp Palaemon varians and induces changes in gill morphology. Functional Ecology. 5: 172162 doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13150


Brown A., Hauton C., Stratmann T., Sweetman A., van Oevelen D., Jones D.O.B. (2018) Metabolic rates are significantly lower in abyssal Holothuroidea than in shallow-water Holothuroidea. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 172162.


Brown A., Hauton C. (2018) Ecotoxicological responses to chalcopyrite exposure in a proxy for deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp: Implications for seafloor massive sulphide mining. Chemistry and Ecology Volume 34: 391-396.


Hauton C., Brown A., Thatje S., Mestre N., Bebianno M.J., Martins I., Bettencourt R., Canals M., Sànchez-Vidal A., Shillito B., Ravaux J., Zbinden M., Duperron S., Mevenkamp L., Vanreusel A., Gambi C., Dell’Anno A., Danovaro R., Gunn V., Weaver P. (2017) The challenges of identifying potential toxic impacts of deep-sea mining – a review with recommendations for quantifying risk. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4: 368. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00368


Green D.S., Christie H., Pratt N., Boots B., Godbold J., Solan M., Hauton C. (2017) Effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 on the health and functioning of competing oysters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 582: 93-103.


Mevenkamp L., Brown A., Hauton C., Kordas A., Thatje S., Vanreusel A. (2017) Hydrostatic pressure and temperature affect the tolerance of the free-living marine nematode Halomonhystera disjuncta to acute copper exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 192C: 178-18. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2017.09.016


Brown A., Thatje S., Morris J.P., Oliphant A., Morgan E.A., Hauton C., Jones D.O.B., Pond D.W. (2017) Metabolic costs imposed by hydrostatic pressure constrain bathymetric range in the lithodid crab Lithodes maja. Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 3916-3926.  doi:10.1242/jeb.158543.


Brown A., Thatje S., Hauton, C. (2017) The effects of temperature and hydrostatic pressure on metal toxicity: Insights into toxicity in the deep sea. Environmental Science and Technology. 10.1021/acs.est.7b02988


Brown A., Wright R., Mevenkamp L., Hauton C. (2017). A comparative experimental approach to ecotoxicology in shallow-water and deep-sea holothurians suggests similar behavioural responses. Aquatic Toxicology.


Hauton C. (2017) Recent progress toward the identification of anti-viral immune mechanisms in decapod crustaceans. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 147: 111-117.


Poulter R., Oliver G., Hauton C., Sanders R., Ciotti B.J. (2017) Infestation of shore crab gills by a free-living mussel species. Marine Biodiversity. doi:10.1007/s12526-016-0631-x.


Gubili C., Ross E., Billett D.S.M., Yool A., Tsairidis C., Ruhl H.A., Rogacheva A., Masson D., Tyler P.A., Hauton C. (2017). Cryptic diversity, global phylogeography and time series shifts in the genetics of an abyssal holothurian, Psychropotes longicauda (Echinodermata). Deep Sea Research Part II. 137: 288–296


Hauton C., (2016) Chapter 1: Effects of salinity as a stressor to aquatic invertebrates. Stressors in the Marine Environment. Eds. M Solan & N Whiteley. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 3–24.


Solan M., Hauton C., Godbold J.A., Wood C., Leighton T., White P. (2016) Anthropogenic sources of underwater sound can modify species contributions to ecosystem properties. Nature Scientific Reports. 6.


Small D.P., Milazzo M., Bertolini C., Graham H., Hauton C., Solan M., Hall-Spencer J.M., Rastrick S., (2015) Temporal fluctuations in seawater pH may be as important as mean variation in determining physiological sensitivity in natural systems. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv232.


Morris J.P., Thatje S., Cottin D., Oliphant A., Brown A., Shillito B., Ravaux J., Hauton C. (2015) Insights into the potential for climate-driven bathymetric range shifts: sustained temperature and pressure exposures on a marine ectotherm, Palaemonetes varians. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 150472.


Morris J.P., Thatje S., Ravaux J., Shillito B., Hauton C. (2015) Characterising multi-level effects of an acute pressure exposure on a shallow-water invertebrate: insights into the kinetics and hierarchy of the stress response. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218: 2591-2602.


Jones D.G., Beaubien S.E., Blackford J.C., Foekema E.M., Lions J., West J.M., Widdicombe S., Hauton C., Quieros A. (2015) Developments in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage since 2005. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 40: 350–377.


Blackford J., Bull J.M., Cevatoglu M., Connelly D., Hauton C., James R.H., Lichtschlag A., Stahl H., Widdicombe S., Wright I.C. (2015) Marine baseline and monitoring strategies for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS). International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 38: 221-229.


Pratt N., Ciotti B.J., Morgan E.A., Taylor P., Stahl H., Hauton C. (2015) No evidence for impacts to the molecular ecophysiology of ion or CO2 regulation in tissues of selected surface-dwelling bivalves in the vicinity of a sub-seabed CO2 release. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 38: 193-201. 


Taylor P., Stahl H., Blackford J., Vardy M.E., Bull J.M., Akhurst, M., Hauton C., James R.H., Lichtschlag A., Long D., Aleynik D., Toberman M., Naylor M., Connelly D., Le Bas T., Smith D., Sayer M.D.J., Widdicombe S., Wright I.C. (2015) A novel sub-seabed CO2 release experiment informing monitoring and impact assessment for geological carbon storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 38: 3-17.


Munro C., Morris J.P., Brown A., Hauton C., Thatje S. (2015) The role of ontogeny in physiological tolerance: decreasing hydrostatic pressure tolerance with development in the northern stone crab Lithodes maja Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B ‘Proceedings B’ 282 20150577; doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0577


Sawusdee A., Jensen A.C., Collins K.J., Hauton C. (2015) Improvements in the physiological performance of European flat oysters Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) cultured on elevated reef structures: implications for oyster restoration. Aquaculture 444: 41-48.


Morris J.P., Thatje S., Ravaux J., Shillito B., Fernando D., Hauton C. (2015) Acute combined pressure and temperature exposures on a shallow water crustacean: novel insights in to the stress response and high pressure neurological syndrome. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 181: 9–17


Hauton C., Hudspith M., Gunton  L. (2015) Future prospects for prophylactic immune stimulation in crustacean aquaculture – the need for improved metadata to address immune system complexity. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 48: 360-368. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2014.04.017.


Blackford J., Stahl H., Bull J.M., Bergès B.J.P., Cevatoglu M., Lichtschlag A., Connelly D., James R.H., Kita J., Long D., Naylor M., Shitashima K., Smith D., Taylor P., Wright I., Akhurst M., Chen B., Gernon T.M., Hauton C., Hayashi M., Kaieda H., Leighton T.G., Sato T., Sayer M.D.J., Suzumura M., Tait K., Vardy M.E., White P.R., Widdicombe S. (2014) Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor Carbon Dioxide Storage. Nature Climate Change. 4: 1011-1016.


Oliphant A., Hauton C., Thatje S. (2013) The implications of temperature-mediated plasticity in larval instar number for development within a marine invertebrate, the shrimp Palaemonetes varians. PLOS One 8(9): e75785. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075785.


Smith K.E., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2013) Thermal tolerance during early ontogeny in the common whelk Buccinum undatum
(Linnaeus 1785): Bioenergetics, nurse egg partitioning and developmental success. Journal of Sea Research 79: 32-39. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2013.01.008.


Morris J.P., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2013). The use of stress-70 proteins in physiology: a re-appraisal. Molecular Ecology. 22: 1494 - 1502. doi:10.1111/mec.12216


Morris K.J., Herrera S., Gubili C., Tyler P.A., Rogers A., Hauton C. (2012) Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of relationships in Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Atlantic ocean using mtMutS and nad2 genes tree reconstructions. Biogeosciences Discussions. 9: 16977-16998. doi:10.5194/bgd-9-16977-2012.


Hammond J.A., Hauton C*., Bennett K.A., Hall A.J. (2012) Receptor binding motifs of phocid seal leptin remain conserved, despite evidence of unusual positive selection elsewhere in the molecule. PLOS One 7(4): e35395. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035395. * joint first author.

Hauton C. (2012) The scope of the crustacean immune system for disease control. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 110: 251-260.

Stentiford G.D., Neil D.M., Peeler E, Shields J.D., Small H.J., Flegel T.W., Vlak J., Jones B., Morado F., Moss S., Lotz J., Bartholomay L., Reantaso M., Behringer D.C., Hauton C., Lightner D.V. (2012) Disease will limit future food supply from the global crustacean fishery and aquaculture sectors. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 110: 141-157.


Huvenne V.A.I., Tyler P.A., Masson D.G., Fisher E., Hauton C., Hühnerbach V., Le Bas T., Wolff G.A.  (2011) A picture on the wall: innovative mapping reveals cold-water coral refuge in submarine canyon. PLOS One. 6(12): e28755. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028755.

Hughes, S.J.M., Ruhl, H.A., Hawkins, L.E., Hauton, C., Boorman, B., Billett, D.S.M., (2011) Abyssal echinoderm oxygen consumption and an interclass comparison of echinoderm metabolic rates. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2512-2521.

Hughes S.J.M., Jones D.O.B., Hauton C., Gates A.R. and Hawkins, L.E. (2010) An assessment of drilling disturbance on Echinus acutus var. norvegicus (Düben & Koren, 1846) based on in situ observations and experiments using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 395: 37-47.

Allen C.J., Paterson G.L.J., Hawkins L.E., Hauton C., Clark P. and Aryuthaka C. (2010) Zonation on sandy tropical beaches: a case study using Dotilla intermedia (Brachyura; Ocypodidae). Marine Ecology Progress Series. 408: 97-107.

Hauton C., Tyrrell T. & Williams J.A. (2009) The subtle effects of sea water acidification on the amphipod Gammarus locusta. Biogeosciences 6: 1479–1489.


Jutagate T., Sawusdee A., Thapanand-Chaidee T., Lek S., Grenouillet G., Thongkhoa S. & Chotipuntu P. (2009) Effects of an anti-salt intrusion dam on tropical fish assemblages. Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 288-301.


Jutagate T., Lek S., Sawusdee A., Sukdiseth U., Thapanand-Chaidee T., Thongkhoa S., Lek-Ang S. & Chotipuntu P. (2009) Spatio-temporal variations in fish assemblages in a tropical regulated lower river course: an environmental guild. River Research and Applications 27: 47-58.


​Thatje S.,Hall S., Hauton C., Held C. and Tyler P.A. (2008) Encounter of lithodid crab Paralomis birsteini on the continental slope off Antarctica, sampled by ROV. Polar Biology 31: 1143-1148.

Smith V.J., Fernandes J.M.O., Kemp G. and Hauton C. (2008) Crustins – enigmatic WAP domain containing antibacterial proteins from crustaceans. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 32: 758-772.

Hauton C. and Smith V.J. (2007) Adaptive immunity in invertebrates: a straw house without a mechanistic foundation. BioEssays 29: 1138-1146.

Hauton C., Howell T.R.W., Atkinson R.J.A. and Moore P.G. (2007). Measures of hydraulic dredge efficiency and razor clam production, two aspects governing sustainability within the Scottish commercial fishery. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. 87: 859-867.

Hauton C., Brockton V. and Smith V.J. (2007) In vivo effects of immunostimulants on gene expression and disease resistance in lobster (Homarus gammarus) post-larval stage VI (PLVI) juveniles. Molecular Immunology 44: 443-450.

Hauton C., Brockton V. and Smith V.J. (2006). Cloning of a crustin-like, single whey-acidic-domain, antibacterial peptide from the haemocytes of the European lobster, Homarus gammarus, and its response to infection with bacteria. Molecular Immunology 43: 1490-1496.

Hauton C., Hammond J.A., and Smith V.J. (2005) Real-time PCR quantification of the in vitro effects of crustacean immunostimulants on gene expression in lobster (Homarus gammarus) granular haemocytes. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 29: 33-42.

Hauton C. and Smith V.J. (2004) In vitro cytotoxicity of crustacean immunostimulants for lobster (Homarus gammarus) granulocytes demonstrated using the neutral red uptake assay. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 17: 65-73.

Hauton C. and Paterson D.M. (2003) A novel shear vane used to determine the evolution of hydraulic dredge tracks in sub-tidal marine sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57: 1151-1158.

Hauton C., Atkinson R.J.A. and Moore P.G. (2003) The impact of hydraulic blade dredging on a benthic megafaunal community in the Clyde Sea area, Scotland. Journal of Sea Research 50: 45-56.

Smith V.J., Brown J.H. and Hauton C. (2003) ​Immunostimulation in crustaceans: does it protect against infection? Fish and Shellfish Immunology 15: 71-90.

Hauton C., Hall-Spencer J.M. and Moore P.G. (2003) An experimental study of the ecological impacts of hydraulic bivalve dredging on maerl. ICES Journal of Marine Science 60: 381-392.

Hauton C., Hawkins L.E. and Hutchinson S. (2001) Response of haemocyte lysosomes to bacterial inoculation in the oysters Ostrea edulis L. and Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), and the scallop Pecten maximus (L). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 11: 143-153.

Hauton C., Hawkins L.E. and Hutchinson S. (2000) The effects of salinity on the interaction between a pathogen (Listonella anguillarum) and components of a host (Ostrea edulis) immune system. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 127B: 203-212.

Hauton C., Hawkins L.E. and Hutchinson S. (1998) The use of neutral red to examine the effects of temperature and salinity on haemocytes of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119B: 619-623.

Hauton C., Williams J.A. and Hawkins L.E. (1997) The effects of a live in vivo pathogenic infection on aspects of the immunocompetence of the common shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 211: 115-128.

Hauton C., Hawkins L.E. and Williams J.A. (1997) In situ variability in phenoloxidase activity in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 117B: 267-271.

Hauton C., Hawkins L.E. and Williams J.A. (1995) Circatidal rhythmicity in the activity of the phenoloxidase enzyme in the common shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 111B: 347-352.​



Book chapters and key reports:

ISA ISBA/27/C/11 ‘Draft guidelines for the establishment of baseline environmental data. Prepared by the Legal and Technical Commission’. UN International Seabed Authority Jan 2022: 77pp.


The Royal Society (2017) Future ocean resources Metal-rich minerals and genetics. 64pp. ISBN: 978-1-78252-260-7


Hauton C (2016) Effects of salinity as a stressor to aquatic invertebrates. Chapter 1 in: Solan M. & Whiteley N.M (eds). Stressors in the Marine Environment. Physiological and ecological responses; societal implications. Oxford University Press pp. 3-24.


Hauton C. (2014) Immune responses and disease. Section 5.4 pp. 47-48. In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014). An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (Eds: S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts & P. Williamson). Montreal, Technical Series No. 75, 99 pp.


​Hauton C., Howell T.R.W. and Boyd A. (2011) Razor clam fisheries in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In: Razor Clams: biology, aquaculture, fisheries. Xunta de Galicia, Conselleria do Mar. pp. 273-296.




Conference presentations and abstracts:

Hauton C. (2017) Modulation of the shrimp immune system for disease management. Invited talk. International Seminar on Diseases of Aquatic Animals. C. Abdul Hakeem College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. 22 August 2017.


Peruzza L., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2017) Daily cyclic hypoxia accelerates the moult cycle in the shrimp Palaemon varians and induces morphologic changes in the gills. Poster and oral presentation, Society of Experimental Biology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 - 6 July 2017


Peruzza L., Thatje S., Hauton C. (2017) Daily cyclic hypoxia improves Palaemon varians' survival when exposed to acute copper toxicity and when exposed to thermal stress. Poster, Society of Experimental Biology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 - 6 July 2017


Whiteley N.M., Suckling C.C., Ciotti B.J., Brown J., McCarthy I.D., Hauton C., Gimenez L. (2017) Osmoregulation and acid-base balance in two species of marine crabs in response to elevated CO2 and reduced salinity. Oral Presentation.  Society of Experimental Biology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 - 6 July 2017


Hauton C. (2017) Modulation of the shrimp immune system for disease management. Invited talk. International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health and Epidemiology for Sustainable Asian Aquaculture. 20-22 April 2017 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India


Hauton C. Responses of key benthic megafauna to real and simulated CO2 leaks in the marine environment, with implications for establishing environmental baselines. (2015) International Energy Agency - Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG) Risk Management & Environmental Research Combined Networks Meeting. National Oceanography Centre Southampton 29/09/15-01/10/15 Invited Speaker.


Ciotti B.J., Hauton C., Coleen S.C., Giménez L., McCarthy I.D., Whiteley N.M. (2015) Mechanisms of coping with climate change in the common shore crab Carcinus maenas. Evidence from gene expression under long term acidification & salinity reduction. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Evolution, Interactions and Global Change. University of Liverpool 30/08/15-04/09/15 (oral presentation).


Suckling C., Giménez L., Brown J., McCarthy I., Ciotti B., Hauton C., Whitely N.M. (2015) Metabolic responses of two species of brachyuran crustaceans to multiple-stressors. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Evolution, Interactions and Global Change. University of Liverpool 30/08/15-04/09/15 (oral presentation).


Suckling C., Giménez L., McCarthy I., Hauton C., Ciotti B., Whiteley N. (2015) Metabolic responses of two species of brachyuran crustaceans to ocean acidification and reduced salinity. Third International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans, Santos, Brazil 23-27th March 2013 (poster).


McCarthy I., Cox H., Diggens M., Mackenzie C., Suckling C., Ciotti B., Giménez L., Malham S., Hauton C., Whiteley N. (2015) Assessing impacts of ocean acidification on the energy status of marine invertebrates. Third International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans, Santos, Brazil 23-27th March 2013 (poster).


Giménez L., Collier V., Torres G., Suckling C., Ciotti B., McCarthy I., Hauton C., Whiteley N. (2015) Long term exposure of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, to the combined effects of ocean acidification and reduced salinity: elemental composition. 8th International Crustacean Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 18th – 23rd August 2014 (poster).


Brown, A., Morris, J.P., Hauton, C., Shillito, B., Thatje, S. Hyperbaric limitation of bathymetric distribution; do lineage-specific tolerances contribute to global phylogenetic bottlenecks? 8th International Crustacean Congress, Frankfurt, 18th August, 2014 (oral presentation).


Suckling C., Ciotti B., McCarthy I., Giménez L., Hauton C., Whiteley N. SCAR (2014) Long term exposure of crabs to reduced salinity and pH: a temperate case study. XXXIII Biennial SCAR Conference Auckland, New Zealand (poster).


Suckling C., Ciotti B., Brown J., Curry A., Gimenez L., McCarthy I., Hauton C., Whiteley N. (2014) Metabolic Demands Associated with Physiological Adjustments to Environmental Perturbations: Medium-Term Exposures in Brachyuran Crabs. Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, UK (poster).


Sawusdee A., Jensen A.C., Hauton C. Effect of raised oyster reef structure upon physiological performance of European flat oysters Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758): Implication for oyster restoration. The Malacological Society of London Molluscan Forum, London 2013 (oral presentation).


Morgan E.A., Rastrick S.P.S., Pearce R., Widdicombe S., Hauton C. (2013) Quantifying the respiratory response of Paracentrotus lividus to chronic hypercapnia investigating a Carbon Capture Storage leakage scenario. Society for Experimental Biology Meeting, Valencia 2013 (oral presentation).


Hauton C. Ability to Adapt: Effects of CO2 Exposure on the Physiology. In:  Offshore CCS: Potential Impacts on Marine Ecosystems. Lunchtime Briefing to European Parliament. May 2013


Rastrick S.P.S., Calosi P., Findlay H., Graham H., Godbold J., Hauton C., Queiros A., Solan M., Spicer J., Whiteley N.M., Widdicombe S. Determining the resilience of ecologically-important intertidal invertebrates to elevated CO2 and temperature: physiological responses and energetic trade-offs. 3rd International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. Monterey, California, September 2012. (oral presentation).


Hauton, C., Trueman, C., Pouvreau, S., Le Souchu, P. for Bagusche, F. Environmental effects on the physiology of calcification in commercially important juvenile bivalves, a study of Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793 (WP2, RT4). Invited speaker EGU Vienna – EU FP7 CALMARO Splinter meeting. 2011


Hall, L.S., Hauton, C., Stentiford, G. Dissecting the response to White Spot Syndrome Virus in non-model host decapod taxa in non-model environmental scenarios. Poster. Society for Invertebrate Pathology Conference 2011, Halifax.


Hauton C., Hudspith M., Gunton, L., Edwards R., Elliott T., Stentiford G., Bateman K. Preliminary molecular evidence for transcriptionally variant innate immune receptors in a model marine brachyuran decapod. Poster. Society for Invertebrate Pathology Conference 2011, Halifax.


Hauton C. The immune system in crustaceans – potential to control commercially significant pathogens. Invited speaker – OECD special symposium on Disease in Beneficial Crustaceans. Society for Invertebrate Pathology Conference 2011, Halifax.


Hauton C., Tyler P.A., Robba L., Emery A., Mackenzie-Dodds J., Valentine C., Paterson G., Huvenne, V.A.I., Masson, D.G., the JC036 Scientific Parties and the ISIS ROV Team. (2010) High resolution comparisons of benthic megafaunal diversity in different branches of the Whittard Canyon, NE. Atlantic. Presented at the HERMIONE AGM, Malta 2010 (Poster)


Huvenne V.A.I., Masson D.G., Tyler P.A., Hauton C., Hühnerbach V., the JC035/36 Scientific Parties and the ISIS ROV Team (2010) Are cliffs and overhangs in Whittard Canyon a refuge for cold-water coral communities? Presented at the HERMIONE AGM, Malta 2010 (Poster)


Smith V.J. and Hauton C. (2009) Immunostimulation in crustacean aquaculture: does it really promote defense against pathogens? World Aquaculture 40: 60-61.


Hoppes J.L., Hauton C. and Hawkins L.E. (2009) Development of an in vitro techniques to assess the effects of the dinoflagellate parasite Hematodinium on the immune function of the edible crab, Cancer pagurus. 11th Congress of the International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology. Prague 29th June-3rd July 2009 (poster).


Thatje S., Shillito B., Heilmayer O., Hauton C., Billett D. and Tyler P.A. (2008) A new approach to study the effects of CO2 in deep-sea organisms. 2nd International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 world. Monaco 6-9th October 2008 (poster).


Hauton C., Tyrrell T. and Williams J.A. (2008) The utilization of physiological measurements to predict future impacts of a high-CO2 world – a case study using the model amphipod Gammarus locusta. 2nd International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 world. Monaco 6-9th October 2008 (poster).


Murty S.J., Hawkins L.E., Hauton C., Billett D.S.M. and Boorman B. (2008) Tools for future deep-sea toxicological studies: the Benthic Incubation Chamber System 2. 43rd European Marine Biological Symposium, Azores (poster).


Parker N. and Hauton C. (2007) Prevalence of Brown Ring Disease in Manila Clams, Ruditapes philippinarum from Poole Harbour. Shellfish News 24: 12-14.


Smith V.J. & Hauton C. (2007) Crustacean immune stimulation: snake oil or solution? A molecular study. Oral presentation given at the 8th Marine Biotechnology Conference, Eilat, Israel 11-16 March.


Hauton C. & Smith V.J. (2006) Testing immune stimulants for the crustacean aquaculture industry. p. 8, The Grower, December 2006


Bennett K, Hammond J.A., Hauton C. & Hall A.J. (2006) Leptin evolution in diving mammals: a role in surfactant production? First International Congress of Respiratory Biology (ICRB), Bonn. 14-16 August 2006(poster)


Dolan E.E. Rogers A. Hauton C., Billett D., Tyler P.A. (2006) Taxonomic revision of deep-sea Pennatulacea. 11th Deep Sea Symposium Southampton 9-14 July (poster)


Thatje S., Shillito B., Hauton C., Billett D., Tyler PA. (2006) Discovering the unknown: experimental laboratory studies in deep sea organisms. 11th Deep Sea Symposium Southampton 9-14 July (poster)


Smith V.J., Brockton V. & Hauton C. (2006) Crustin antibacterial proteins: diversity, phylogeny and expression 10th International Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Charleston USA 1-6 July (oral presentation)


Smith V.J. & Hauton C. Immune stimulation: can the crustacean host defence system ‘afford’ it? (2006) 10th International Congress of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Charleston USA 1-6 July (oral presentation)


Smith V.J. & Hauton C. (2006) Crustacean immune stimulation: snake oil or solution? A molecular study AQUA 06 Florence, Italy (invited oral presentation).


Hauton C., Hammond J.A., Smith V.J. (2003) In vitro studies of the effects of immunostimulants on decapod granular haemocytes. 9th International Congress of International Society for Developmental and Comparative Immunology, St Andrews June 2003 (oral presentation)


Seafish Industry Authority and Partners (2002) Razor Shellfish – Maintaining Quality Through Better Handling Training Video, Classlane Video & CD Production


Hauton C., Morello E.B., Howell T.R.W, Froglia C., Atkinson, R.J.A. and Moore P.G. (2002) Assessments of the impact and efficiency of hydraulic dredging in Scottish and Italian waters. CFP Study Contract Number 99/078 - in support of the Common Fisheries Policy, call for proposals OJ C122 of 04/05/1999. Final Report 479pp


Hauton C., Hall-Spencer J.M. and P.G Moore (2002) Hydraulic bivalve dredging on maerl in Scotland. A study of the potential impacts and recommendations for management. Final Report, SNH Contract BAT/AA410/01/02/159. 54pp.


Hauton C. (2002) Hydraulic dredging for razor clams – assessing the potential. 31st UMBSM Annual Report


Marrs S.J., Atkinson R.J.A., Moore P.G., Bergmann M., Combes J., Hauton C., Jones S., and Wieczorek S.K. (2001) Collaborative fisheries research involving commercial fishing fleets. Proccedings of the Firth of Clyde Forum. “Conference on the Ecology and

Management of the Firth of Clyde.” pp. 31-33.


Hauton C., Morello E.B., Howell T.R.W, Froglia C., Moore P.G. and Atkinson R.J.A. (2001) Assessments of the impact and efficiency of hydraulic dredging in Scottish and Italian waters. CFP Study Contract Number 99/078 - in support of the Common Fisheries Policy, call for proposals OJ C122 of 04/05/1999


Hauton C., Moore P.G. and Atkinson R.J.A. (2001b) Assessments of the Impact and Efficiency of Hydraulic Dredging in Scottish and Italian Waters. Seminar presented to a delegation from the Quebec Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation


Hauton C., Moore P.G. and Atkinson R.J.A. (2001a) Hydraulic dredging for razor clams – progress towards best practice. Shellfish News 12:14-17.


Hauton C. (2001) Hydraulic dredging for razor clams – towards a sustainable future. Fishing News 4578:7.


Emu Environmental Ltd. Greenwich Promenade foreshore study 1999. 18pp.


Hawkins L.E., Hutchinson S. and Hauton C. (1999) Quantitative evaluation of bivalve disease susceptibility and resistance. Final Report MAFF FC 1101.

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